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Types of Books

LUMHS publishers consider following types of books:
Single authored Book: Books written by a single author are termed as single authored books. It contains minimum 5. All single authored books are peer reviewed by the external reviewers. Only accepted books are produced in ebooks PDF and published online or made available in paperback format.

Edited Book: One or more editors will take the responsibility of the book. These editors are responsible for reviewing the chapters received under this title.

Book series: It is a series of volumes under single book title. Each volume contains around 6 chapters and is published after review and acceptance from editor. Based on the interest and time availability, new volumes can have new editors.

Instructions for Author(s)

All chapters should be in English language following either US or UK grammar. Author(s) from non English speaking countries who find difficulty in preparing the chapter should approach professional English editing scientific services available at LUMHS Publishers or any other source.

New chapters are assigned to editors and external reviewers for review. We believe that peer review improves the standards of the work. After acceptance from editor, published chapters are available on the website in PDF formats following the approval by the author for open access. If author do not agree for open access the book will be launched but the chapter or whole book will be available on payment by the reader.

Publication Charges

Whole book open access: Rs. 150,000/= (1000 USD)
Chapter Publication: Rs. 50,000/= (500 USD)
Editors can publish one chapter in their edited book without any publication charges.
(These publication charges include formatting and minor proof-reading, however in case of extensive correction “language correction charges of Rs. 5000/= per chapter will apply)
Publication Charges waiver policy: High H-index authors can be considered for complete or partial waiver in publication charges. The decision of partial or complete waiver will be made by the Chief Executive Officer and Patrons.

Plagiarism Policy

We have zero tolerance for plagiarism, editors make initial scrutiny of the work for copyrighted material and similarity index of the draft materials.

Figures and tables should not be imported from other published content unless they are properly cited. Legends to all the figures and tables are mandatory.

Use of external software's for producing mathematical equations is permitted.


The work should be type written in a word document, preferable fonts size is 12 with 1.5 space.

Submission Process

Submit your chapter along with the related documents
We send acknowledgement to all new submissions in 2 working days.

Galley Proofs and Reprints

Galley proofs in PDF format are sent to author(s) in 1 week after chapter acceptance at review. Author(s) are requested to check the PDF and revert the changes (if any) marking them in the same PDF.

We also send reprints or hard copies of published chapters/books upon request. There is a charge associated with this service as it involves printing cost. If you are interested, please contact us.


Published or accepted manuscripts/chapters should be included in the reference list. Meetings abstracts, conference talks, or papers that have been submitted but not yet accepted should not be cited.

We follow Vancouver style of number system. Authors are requested to provide at least one online link for each reference (All the links are electronically linked to the papers cited).

References format: Authors names. Article title. Journal short name. Published year; volume number: and page numbers.

Please list the first seven authors and then add "et al." if there are additional authors.